"We hold you accountable, push you harder, and have a vested interest in making sure you reach your personal fitness goals."
- Dustin Beane, Managing Trainer & Co-owner
Personal Training
Why Hire a Personal Trainer?
Pricing for
1 Hour Sessions
You're not seeing results
You don't know where to start
You're bored with your current workout routine
You need a challenge
You want to learn how to create better routines to exercise on your own
You want to be held accountable
You need a cheerleader
You don't own the right fitness equipment
You don't like working out in a traditional gym environment
You have a specific injury or illness
You're training for a sport or other event
You want a workout coach to teach you better form and prevent injury
1 on 1 Personal Training Rates
1x Per Week..................$100-$110/Session 2x Per Week.................$95-$105/Session 3x Per Week.................$90-$100/Session 4x Per Week.................$85-$95/Session
*Pricing is subject to change, all trainers may negotiate pricing and package rates*
Group Training Packages (2 or 3 People)
Group Training Prices will be determined by the trainer based on size and frequency group meets.
Class Training (More than 3 People)
We currently offer a few classes and pricing will be determined on an individual basis by the trainer and the class offered
***Pricing is subject to change, all trainers may negotiate pricing and package rates. Bootcamp classes are not included in the pricing above**
Why Workout with Active Lab?
No memberships or contracts...no risk
Your fitness and happiness are our livelihood
Active Lab trainers are all professional trainers - they train clients for their living, so you're training with the best trainers who have dedicated their lives to fitness and their clients' goals.
We take pride in our gym - we purchase the right equipment, maintain that equipment and keep our space clean and safe
We do not allow unsupervised workouts - our gym is a safe environment and clients are only in the gym if accompanied by a trainer
We're a community - our trainers and clients support each other
We offer chiropractic care on site to keep your body in top shape
We care about you - this is not a gym for the masses, it's a specialized facility with a superior client focus. Your goals are our goals.