Bree Koffler,
Physical Therapist, Athletic Trainer
PMA®- Certified Pilates Instructor
CoreAlign® Instructor
My Story
Through the years, I have had a passion for movement - watching athletes as they fine tune their craft and recover from injury; observing my children attempt to stand, over and over; listening to a dad that plays softball but continues to injure himself on one side of his body; training a mom that wants to run with her kids for life, but has a nagging back problem from the computer sitting epidemic at work… and on and on and on.
We all have a desire to move, play and function independently. It is just a matter on how to achieve that goal efficiently. We need to develop good patterns and learn to manage. The difficulty is when injuries occur. Our body develops new patterns to protect around the injury. How can I help? I use a variety of techniques from hands-on therapy, dry-needling, Pilates and various other functional movement training tactics to reestablish solid patterns. Each session is individualized according to a your needs and goals.
As with any healing, it is not only physical, but psychological and emotional. We will take the time to develop strategies for a successful approach in moving forward. Some have fear of another injury, another fall, another setback or another missed game. I certainly empathize. I did not ski for about a decade after a fall… and now we barely miss a winter weekend! Thank you to the motivation of showing my young girls the beauty of Colorado winter mountain life.
I love to play sports, be active, exercise and compete! Whether it is recovery, maintenance, or enhancement, I want to help you get back to doing the activities you enjoy in life. You will be educated, empowered and have the ability to make choices in the direction of your care. Give yourself some grace and maintain Fortitude with the process. Progress will occur! It would be an honor to take you through this journey!
Physical Therapy: Masters of Science; Regis University (CO)
Athletic Training: Bachelors of Science, University of Findlay (OH)
Psychology Minor: University of Findlay (OH)
Manual Therapy Certification: University of St. Augustine (FL)
Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher (NCPT) Polestar Pilates Education Mentor
Runity Running Certification
Core Align Movement Certification
OOV Training and Balance Education
Kinetacore Functional Dry Needling
Over 20 years of Continuing Education in Pilates, Manual Therapy, Athletic Training, Balance and Movement Training