Corporate Wellness

I have worked for several different corporations in the past before working with Active Lab, so I can tell you it's rare and refreshing to hear about companies who want to treat their associates well and genuinely care about their health and well-being. We have been working with AMI Mechanical, Inc. for a little over a year to give their associates an opportunity to get in shape without any cost to the associates. AMI is dedicated to providing their associates with the ability to work out together every week, compete in fitness challenges for prizes and learn more about how to stay healthy and fit - for free! Sure, having a healthy workforce benefits AMI for a multitude of reasons from lower insurance premiums to a more effective workforce, but they have shown that they are so much more than a company looking to save money on insurance and squeeze out as much work as they can per day. They have listened to their associates and have worked with Active Lab to design a program that works best for their associates. We can't be more proud to work with a company like AMI. They truly are among the few corporations that understand that a healthy workforce is a happy and more productive workforce. Congratulations to all of the challenge participants this month. You worked hard for your points, learned a lot about fitness, and your bodies thank you!